Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. Isaiah 46:9-11 NIV


These words are very comforting to me. The God of the Universe chose to bless me. His choice was declared long ago. These verses say that His plans will not be thwarted by anyone or anything. He is resolute, diligent and trustworthy concerning that which He has chosen. If He promised it, He will perform it. Hebrews tells us that the man sent to fulfill the Father’s plan and purpose was and is the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.


All of the Gospels tell of Jesus living out God’s plan of redemption and reconciliation. Everywhere Jesus traveled they watched Him beckon, bless, minister, teach, heal and guide. Even when they speak of Him chastising or disciplining His disciples, it was done with an eye on His divine purpose.

Everyone coming in contact with Him is called to embrace to the working of His redemptive purpose. That purpose is to see the blessing of God rest in, on and through every man, woman, boy and girl on the planet. The very essence of that purpose was declared and was perhaps best described by the Apostle Peter in a sermon to the household of Cornelius.


You know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached– how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him. Acts 10:37-38


Peter declared the purpose of the Lord’s ministry was to break the power of darkness, to invoke the power of light and to bring all people, both Jew and Gentile, into complete union with the Son. This purpose was accomplished as Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit and power.


After the resurrection and ascension, the union of believer with the Lord Jesus is described by the Apostle Paul as the believer being “in Christ” and at the same time having, “Christ in us.” Sadly, many in the Church today seen to miss the focus of or fully embrace the richness of this statement. While many may say that their true loyalty is to Christ Jesus, in the lives of most modern believers, it is the traditions they have grown up with or the theologies they have learned that have become more important than the purposes of Christ Himself.


His purpose is to transform us into the image of God’s dear Son, by and through the same anointing He was anointed with. He wants to reconcile us to our original purpose, which is, to embrace and enjoy union and fellowship with the  Heavenly Father, Him and with each other. Only then can we really know Him. When we embrace and enjoy “Christ in others” a revelation occurs. The Holy Spirit opens our spiritual understanding and we begin to see the opportunity that has been afforded each of us. That opportunity is to “become the blessing.” Such can only occur as we choose to give that which we have been given. We must open ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to flow from us as a stream or channel. Then, as other do the same, we will be joined to other streams (believers) for the purpose of eventually flowing together with all believers into the great river of God, which is the Holy Spirit, and purposed to bless all humanity.


The manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit was upon Jesus to heal the sick and set the captive free. The same should be expected by us all as we worship together, pray together and be together in His Name. It is in that place that all who are under the power of the devil are healed and delivered. In that place is fullness of joy, even life evermore. In His Presence the blind see, the deaf hear and the cripple walk. Let us lay aside any weight that besets us, keeping us from embracing and enjoying Christ in us—the Hope of Glory.


I encourage you to pray concerning this with me today. I believe we are standing in front of an awesome opportunity. But, we will have to choose. We will need to choose to be like the Lord Jesus. We will need to pray for His ultimate purpose to fill our thoughts and to become a blessing to Him and to all we meet. It is His desire that we come together in one accord and purpose. It is His will for the Holy Spirit to fill us to overflowing and flow from each of us. The flow of His Manifest Presence will “water the earth” where we live and minister. This water of life will bring forth the purposes of blessing and bud into the fruit of the Spirit. Let us ask for the Holy Spirit to help us learn to pour out the glorious life He has blessed us with so that others may be healed and blessed. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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